Hidden Travel Treasures.com

Travel Tips Not In Your Average Guidebook

A Day in Lisbon, Portugal

Written By: Tonya - Jul• 15•11

(Click on photos to enlarge)

I never really thought much about Portugal to be honest, but after our recent stop over in Lisbon, I definitely want to return. The city is full of life and character and is quite beautiful. We unfortunately only had one day to check it out, but it was enough to know I loved it! The steep streets and old street cars reminded me of San Francisco, while the warm sun and extremely blue sky reminded me I was elsewhere. We spent the entire day walking the narrow alleyways getting a feel for the city and it was really amazing.

Being only a short flight away from Munich, this is a great weekend destination during the long Fall. It is fairly cheap everywhere you go here (well, I live in Munich, so almost every city seems cheaper!) but a taxi was always around 7 Euros from our hotel by the airport into the city center, a wine was 2 Euros, and bakery items just a euro or two. Pretty fair. We were there on a Sunday, so I unfortunately didn’t get to do any shopping, but judging by the prices I saw in store windows…you could get some great deals.

Another thing we did was go to the area called “Barrio Alto” which, to the best of my knowledge, is a pedestrian friendly area with lots of bars and restaurants. Most places don’t get busy until later in the night, and restaurants may not even open til 7 or 8. As the night goes on though you will find people filling the streets and you can hear music everywhere. We had a really great time and spent most of our night at a Cuban bar, A Tasca, drinking cuba libre’s and learning to salsa from the friendly bartender. (Ok, my husband didn’t participate all that much in the salsa part). ;)

(One of the awesome bartenders at A Tasca)

So if your considering where to go for a holiday weekend in Europe or traveling around and are not sure about Lisbon, I recommend checking this city out. It’s sunny, friendly vibe is perfect for a few days away. We will definitely be returning.

Have you been to Lisbon? Have some great places not to miss next time we are there?

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  1. Duane says:

    Seems like a worthwhile place to check out someday. Great Post.

  2. Jenn Beard says:

    The top photo is beautiful. This post makes me want to go to Portugal even more!

  3. carla says:

    Well, the next time you go i can give you some tips, i never lived in lisbon, but i visit my friends there very often…. glad you had a good time

  4. […] A Day in Lisbon, Portugal – By Hidden Travel Treasures.com. […]

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