I love flea markets. You just never know what you might find there. Every week in Munich there is a great flea market in the Olympia Park Stadium parking lot, open on Friday and Saturday 7am – 4pm, rain or shine (and in Munich’s case, sometimes snow). These people are hardcore, I’ve seen the booths set up on even the crappiest of weather… In fact the only time when this market is closed is when the Olympic Stadium is having an event.
If your in the mood to rummage, you can really find some goodies here. People are selling everything from clothes to bikes to furniture and just about everything in between. It’s also a great place to look for a used dinrn’l or lederhosen at a decent price if you are heading to the Oktoberfest. Although they usually get taken up fast when the Fest is closer, so look early!
On a sunny day you can easily walk through 20 rows of stuff. Most of the people stay til around 1 or 2, but even though the market is technically open until 4:00, I would get there quite a bit earlier if you want to get anything good. They also have a couple food stands in the middle along with benches and tables to park for a few minutes and rest.
If you are interested, you can also come here and sell things quite easily. Just show up, early…i’m talking like 6:00am early, and bring everything with you and someone will be around to charge you. The cost is basically per table and clothing stand. It’s fairly cheap and a great way to get rid of all that stuff cluttering up your basement. (I need to do this very soon as well!)
Overall, I think it’s a great place to spend a Saturday morning and maybe find some hidden treasures. If your just visiting you can certainly find cheaper souvenirs to take home. For example, steins (stone beer mugs) can be really costly in shops and you can almost always find them here. So it’s definitely something worth checking out whether your a local or just passing through!
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