Hidden Travel Treasures.com

Travel Tips Not In Your Average Guidebook

A Photo Tour of Sao Miguel in the Azores

Written By: Tonya - Jul• 13•11

A lot of people (myself included) have never even heard of the Azores. Which was somewhat shocking for me being that they are located right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and I fly over them every time I head back to Florida. (Well almost at least)  So when my family approached me with the idea of meeting on the island of Sao Miguel this year, I quickly googled the location and was shocked at the stunning images I saw of a place I had never heard of. I couldn’t wait!

The Azores are a place like no other. There are no grand resorts, crazy nightlife, or tourist traps. The islands, apart from the spectacular views and scenery, are simple…relaxing. The air is sweet from the smell of wild flowers which grow everywhere and around every bend is a new and amazing view. Although the island of Sao Miguel is only about 14km by 80km, you get the feeling you have traveled to different worlds with every new spot. There is everything from rolling grassy hills to tropical waterfalls, and you can experience so many varying landscapes in one day.

After spending a week on the Island of Sao Miguel I have lots of fun info and travel tips on must see spots on the island, but before that I would like to take you on a photo tour of some of the amazing scenery in the Azores. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words…and in this case, possibly even more.

(Click on  all photos for larger view)

Hope you enjoyed the photos and I will have much more to come soon!

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  1. Jan says:

    Truly and Amazing Place!! Loved it!!

  2. Julie says:

    Beautiful pics! Looks like a wonderful place to sit back and enjoy life!

  3. Petra Peters says:

    Great pics – I take it you guys had a great time.

  4. Laurie Cook says:

    You have convinced me to put this on my list.

  5. Tish says:

    These photos take me back to my childhood. I spent younger years in the Azores as a military kid and I still remember going to Sao Miguel for (very affordable for a middle class family) vacations and staying at Terra Nostra Hotel, swimming in the yellow water pond, and the beautiful stone bldgs and humble people. I loved your pics. Thank you.

  6. Adrian says:

    Great pics!
    I visited Sao Miguel last year and loved it.
    Your photos bought back the memories thank you

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