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Travel Tips Not In Your Average Guidebook

Berlin Travel Tips: Broke & Schön in Friedrichshain

Written By: Tonya - Aug• 25•11

As a girl living in Munich, I’ve learned that while there are great shops all over town, I’m not usually willing to shell out 150 Euros for a cute dress. Most of the small boutique shops I’ve found here have some really unique styles and clothing but are quite often insanely overpriced (for my budget at least) and while H&M has better prices, it would be nice to have more choices for inexpensive shopping.

So having said this, while visiting Berlin last month, to my surprise, there were shops all over my favorite area of Friedrichshain that were filled with great clothes and even better, within my budget! My favorite store hands down was “Broke & Schön” which just happens to be located on the same street as the best place to get breakfast. (I highly suggest shopping before eating here though!)

This shop is filled with girly vintage inspired dresses, soft fabrics, and unique accessories. I seriously could have bought everything in here. The prices are equally as pleasing as the clothing, with most dresses costing around 30-40 Euros and a top for around 25, you feel like your shopping in a designer boutique without breaking the bank. The girls working here were also incredibly friendly and helpful (which in my experience can be hard to come by in Munich ;) ) Pretty much an all around nice shopping experience and well worth it to check out if you are visiting Berlin!

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  1. Jenn says:

    Beautiful clothes! If I ever make it to Munich I will definitely check out your suggestions!

  2. Andrea says:

    Oh wow – would love to check this place out! We’ll be in Munich for Oktoberfest so not sure if it will be the best time to shop but if I get time I’m going to have a look

    • Tonya says:

      I love Oktoberfest! You will have such a great time! This shop is actually in Berlin though, are you making your way up there as well? If so, definitely check it out! Such nice things!! Have fun!

  3. Toni says:

    Unfortunately this shop sells clothes with fur on it! and is not aware of the fact that millions of animals suffer in Chinese fur farms and are partially skinned alive!!! Please consider this fact next time when you go shopping in Berlin and look for a more conscious store.

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