One of my favorite things about living in Bavaria is visiting the Alps and spending a day outdoors around one of the many lakes in the area. Some of my favorites such as the Walchensee, Tegernsee, and Staffelsee I have visited over and over…but recently a friend took me hiking at the Schliersee and it was equally as beautiful!

We did a hike up to the Brecherspitze from Josephstal which was a fairly hefty walk up, about 3,500ft (then again you are probably in much better shape than I am!) But it was well worth it! Along the hike we walked along waterfalls, through mossy wonderlands, and grassy fields leading to mountain peaks. We stopped near the top to have lunch at the Huette and enjoyed the amazing views while eating and having a well deserved Radler!

After hiking back down we drove to the town of Schliersee and had a coffee on the lake and enjoyed one of the last days of summer. Although the weather is slowly turning cold, this area will certainly be beautiful in the autumn with all the leaves changing!

I cannot recommend enough if you are visiting Munich to get out and explore the countryside. It is stunning and offers so much for the visiting tourist. There are hiking trails galore, tons of great traditional restaurants sprinkled all over the mountainsides, as well as great views along almost every country road. Not to mention, you literally only need to drive about 30-45 minutes and you feel like you are millions of miles away from city life.

This is a great website if your looking to find hiking trails in the area! Wandermap.net
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