Hidden Travel Treasures.com

Travel Tips Not In Your Average Guidebook

Foodie Travel Tip- Naschmarkt, Vienna

Written By: Tonya - Mar• 21•11

Ok, this may not exactly be a “hidden” travel tip, but it’s one I will mention anyways, if not for any other reason than I love this place! If you are into food and outdoor markets, you will have to check out the Naschmarkt while in Vienna, Austria. There are two rows at about 1.5 kilometers long worth of taste bud tempting treats. Seriously, bring your appetite!


Vienna Travel Tip, Cafe Schwarzenberg

Written By: Tonya - Mar• 15•11

One of the most popular things to do in Vienna is to go to an old Viennese coffee house, and trust me, there are tons of them. Most of the ones you will find in tourist guides are located directly in the shopping district and very crowded. Some friends and I stumbled across the Cafe Schwarzenberg last year, and  searched the city to find it again this year…and were thrilled when we did!


Europe Travel Tips, Must See City, Biarritz, France

Written By: Tonya - Mar• 07•11

In my opinion, one of the must see cities in Europe is definitely Biarritz, France.  Located in the Basque region of France and about a 20 minute drive from one of my other favorite cities, San Sebastian, this small surfing town is a must visit if you are planning your Europe travels! There are beautiful beaches, friendly people, amazing weather and great surf…as if I needed to go on?


French Polynesia- 11 Unique Travel Tips

Written By: Tonya - Feb• 24•11

Ahhhhh, Tahiti. The word alone conjures up all sorts of amazing images… deserted beaches, clear turquoise water, colorful fish, and lush forests. I was lucky enough to be able to visit this gem in the South Pacific about two years ago, and the islands of French Polynesia have left a lasting impression on my brain. So for all of you out there who are thinking of visiting Tahiti one day, I thought I would make a little list of tips from my trip, that may help you on yours….


Europe Travel Tips, Vienna

Written By: Tonya - Feb• 19•11

I feel as though this city might get over looked sometimes by travelers coming to Europe. Rome, London, Paris, and Amsterdam seem to always be high on people’s lists of places to visit when they are trekking around this region of the world, and I felt it only fair to write a little something about my favorite bigger European city, Vienna.  Vienna is the capitol and largest city of Austria. It is a majestic city with wide streets and impressive architecture that managed to not be destroyed during WWII.  Vienna has effortlessly combined old and new to create one of Europe’s most interesting cities. (In my opinion at least)


Travel Tips Island Style, Renting Bikes

Written By: Tonya - Feb• 16•11

I think hopping on a bike is by far the best way to travel around an island. You get the freedom of going where ever you like much faster than walking, yet it is quieter and lets face it, much cheaper than renting a scooter or four wheeler. You don’t ever have to worry about parking, it’s better for the environment, and if you have a couple drinks, you can always walk it home ;).  Yesterday, I did something I have sadly never done in my home state…my husband and I went out to Anna Maria Island, rented bikes, and explored a place that I thought was familiar.


The Tasting Room, St. Augustine

Written By: Tonya - Feb• 12•11

While on a recent trip to St. Augustine, Florida, my husband and I stumbled across The Tasting Room, and both agreed this was one of the best restaurants we had ever been to. Really. Between the friendly service, amazing food, cozy atmosphere, and live music…this place is gonna be hard to top!
